Turning the Tables

“Turning the Tables” was founded in 2011 as a private initiative stemming from the need to open new options for every woman on the continuum of prostitution, so as to enable her to get stronger, stabilize, and create a deserving life for herself.

The organization assists approximately 500 women a year to exit life-threatening violence in the sex trade by means of a variety of activities and programs, via direct services and action to change policies and improve assistance provided to women on the prostitution continuum by governmental agencies.

Our Vision

We aspire for a world where women do not need to sell their bodies in order to survive, are not sexually assaulted in childhood and are not neglected by those responsible for their safety.

Our mission is to support women trapped in prostitution due to extreme life circumstances in their journey to change the course of their lives and build a better future for themselves. We believe every woman deserves the opportunity to take control of her destiny, to be supported in every aspect of life and to master skills enabling her to earn money and live in a manner that reflects her abilities and talents.

Rehabilitation Concept

From our initial steps, our mentors are the women themselves. Each one of them teaches us about her needs, her strengths, the pace she can move to and the journey she is waiting to embark on. In this way we have developed, and are continuing to develop, services specifically accurate for women in prostitution. The staff, volunteers and interns are here to support women’s journey by means of a variety of solutions based first and foremost on complete acceptance. Every therapy, consultation or activity is performed from a standpoint of equality, love and non-judgment. Out of a feminist outlook, we understand that women and teenage girls who ended up in prostitution did so as a strategy of survival in a world where it is possible to traffic a woman's body. As women, we aspire to help each one of them see the various options that exist for her and help her reach them in any way possible.

At "Turning the Tables" we adhere to a holistic approach to rehabilitation. Our professional staff women provide enveloping psychosocial care, representation before various governmental agencies, implementation of rights, stipends, and more. For a majority of women participating in our program, this is the first time they are taking care of themselves and their future. To that end, with each woman, we construct a personal plan for the fulfillment of professional aspirations followed by vocational training and work implementation, and continue to support her in the challenges that lie ahead.


"Turning the Tables" is a breakthrough organization set to develop innovative services for women on the prostitution continuum. When the organization was established in 2011 the topic of prostitution was almost completely unspoken of in the larger population, and professional assistance was narrow and specific. Our mission was to change this reality, hands on, based on needs women brought to our attention.

Recognition of Social Security of women in prostitution as a population to assist:

In 2016 the Social Security office approved our rehabilitation program 'Yotsrot Atid' and for the first time ever, in Israel, women in prostitution were recognized as deserving of professional responsibility by the Social Security Rehabilitation Department. Since then and to this day, the Rehabilitation Department funds the participation of approximately 100 women a year in our program 'Yotsrot Atid'. Following our breakthrough more such programs are being developed.

Legislation of The Law Prohibiting the Consumption of Prostitution:

In 2018 the law for rehabilitation of women in prostitution was passed following a shared struggle we lead with the coalition of help organizations.

Recognition of mental disability stipend for victims of prostitution:

“Turning the Tables” acted for the recognition of the mental damage caused to women by prostitution, and recognition of disability rights due to this, in order to allow women to rehabilitate. Following shared efforts, a specified protocol was constructed in 2021 for medical committees in the Social Security Disability Department for women in prostitution.

Initiative for specified protocol of insolvency and financial rehabilitation for women in prostitution:

This breakthrough initiative includes discretion in the legal process and a basic understanding and agreement that income from prostitution means a continuation of mental and physical damage to the woman.

Meet our Staff

"I am not ashamed of my past, but I do not want to live in it anymore. I am committed to building a better future for myself."
Y., graduate of the program

To ensure the best services, “Turning the Tables” has established collaboration with governmental and non-governmental agencies, foundations and companies. We are truly grateful and thankful for every such partnership:

Common Questions

"Turning the Tables" is an organization founded and established by women, for women, as a personal initiative. To this day it is run by women only, and exists with the collaboration of the Social Security office, the Welfare Department and private donations by individuals and foundations.

The organization is constantly measuring the effectiveness of our activity, for both quality impact such as: a subjective improvement in quality of life for a participating woman in different aspects, and measurable quantitative impact such as job placement outside the sex trade and financial stability. In general, it can be said that success is significant when a participating woman constantly continues to change her life, for the better, in more and more aspects, for herself.

Women aged 18 and above, from all parts of Israel, from every religion and country of origin.

Assistance to women and men is fundamentally different. In addition, women need a place of their own. Due to the fact that most people in prostitution are women, we focus on and professionally master helping women. Even though there are men and many teenage boys on the continuum of prostitution, separate programs are needed with different staffing.